Bukhari CareExc is a unique residential school for budding leaders. It is the pioneer endeavour of its kind as it aims at the facilitation of the young career enthusiasts to achieve their academic as well as personal goals in a unique way, within the moulds of moral values. Our remarkable curriculum combination, holistic approach and innovative thinking, embedded in solid value systems, prepare the young minds to be successful in a dynamic, multi-faceted global environment. After all, BCareExc is a dream initiative of a crew of young & learned brains, under OrBIT – the organization of Bukhari Scholars.

Because of its too many advantages over the state boards, we are following the Central Board of Secondary Education Syllabus. Students who join us for an intensive two years course after SSLC examination dream big and find it easy to choose their suitability career. We guide them with all arms and ammunition to crack their goals and ambition
Why Bcare Exc
We are aware that the mere general education doesn’t shape a model citizen. Thus, we insist on nurturing our students in a highly spiritual atmosphere where they experience the holistic nature of education. Meanwhile, Our approach is entirely different from the conventional theoretical method which sometimes proved to be impractical and annoying for children. That is why we are focusing on the practical methods in religious practices which could be enjoyed and assimilated by the young minds.
We have a system of finding out the aptitudes, multiple intelligence and passion of our students and launching them to the most appropriate career options. We have specially tailored career orientation and motivation sessions to keep the students focused on their unique aims.

Mode Of Admission
Students who score high marks in S.S.L.C Examination are eligible for admission. Student’s are selected on the basis of their performance in the three tired Entrance Test along with an interview which is carried out every year forthwith the declaration of SSLC examination results
Goal Setting, Dream Hunting
A single process of setting goals and having dreams can define and decide the success of a student. We help them create dreams and set goals for the maximum actualisation of their potentials.
Extra Curricular Activities
To avoid the burdens of lethargic class room teachings, B CareExc provides the students with a lot of unique opportunities to get exposed to the realities of life by conducting regular field trips to the various spheres of human lives.

Motivation & Skill Training
We have a system of finding out the aptitudes, multiple intelligence and passion of our students and launching them to the most appropriate career options. We have specially tailored career orientation and motivation sessions to keep the students focused on their unique aims.
We fetch different study/ memory/ language skills and techniques from various sources to plant in the character of our students.
Health And Physical Training
Peaceful mind and good health is very important for a child’s growth. Regular physical exercises helps in uniting the body, mind and breath. We believe that mental and emotional balance is as important as the physical fitness. Hence, B CareExc has set up a limited period of systematic and controlled exercises during the daytime to ensure the physical and mental fitness of our students.