Imam Bukhari Award
The establishment of imam bukhari award and the inception of this prestigious prize as one of the main project of the institution, drew from the humanitarian and noble values of islam, which bukhari institutions held throughout it’s career. The prize seeks to realize some of the institute’s aspirations for the progress of mankind in general and muslim world in particular, principally it’s mission to emphasize the role of muslim individuals and scholars towards that progress.
The Prize
Launched by Bukhari Islamic Institution as a part of Bukhari 25th anniversary celebrations in _ , Imam Bukhari Award recognizes the outstanding works of individuals and scholars for their remarkable services to the Muslim society. Its aim is to benefit Muslims in their present and future, inspire them to participate in all aspects of civilization, as well as enrich human knowledge and develop mankind.
The Prize takes special pride in being widely recognized for being impartial and independent of all political, sectarian and racial considerations.
Previous Awards
Kottoor Kunhammu Musliyar
E Sulaiman Musliyar
Kanthapuram AP Aboobacker Musliyar