The shift towards creating future-ready Da’ees begins with future-ready processes and practices, as is evident at Bukhari Da’wa College. The rich tradition of the college forms the heart of Bukhari Institutions. Over the years, the college has contributed many talented scholars who continue to play significant roles in the growth trajectory of the society and the community.
The Bukhari curriculum, a brilliant blend of spiritual, material and value-based education, is intent on nurturing cognitive, creative, literary and oratorical skills of individual learners. Scholars who graduate from Bukhari Da’wa College earn a master’s degree from a recognised Indian University and Muthawwal Degree (PG) in Islamic Theology, which comprise of a 10 years Intensive Islamic-Acamedic Education.
Mode Of Admission
Students who scored high marks in S.S.L.C Examination are eligible for admission. Student’s are selected on the basis of their performance in the three tired Entrance Test along with an interview which is carried out every year forthwith the declaration of SSLC examination results.
Why Bukhari Da'wa College ?
- A unique centre of learning for a fine blend of spiritual, material and value based education
- An institution animated by a faith that inspires us to seek knowledge because of the powerful tool it can be to improve humankind.
- Wide open doors of opportunities for students who share a common passion for inquiry because of what it can reveal about their belief, the world and the self.
- Wide open doors of opportunities for students who share a common passion for inquiry because of what it can reveal about their belief, the world and the self.
- Renowned faculties passionate about their fields and eager to help students dig deep and make exciting intellectual connections.
- Graduates equipped with the critical-thinking, communication and cross-cultural and religious skills that the world seek with a strong foundation for a lifetime of curiosity and exploration as they prepare to go out and serve the society.
Extra Curricular Activities
- Comparative Religious Study
- Nahv , Fiqh and Aqeeda Workshops
- Da'wa Cell
- Language Clubs
- Computer Lab
- Edu HelpDesk
- Monthly Magazines
- Literary meets and festivals
- Islamic Departments
- Medi Care
- Study Tours
- Social Work & Charity
- Communication Cell
- Field Da'wa
- Writers’ and Speaker's Forum
- Weekly and Monthly Spiritual Meets