New Office Bearers for Bukhari Da’wa Sector

The SSF Bukhari Da’wa sector has its new office bearers. The newly appointed officials are: President: Fakhrudheen Razi
General Secretary: Majid Koottilangadi
Finance Secretary: Nawas Kodinhi
Secretaries: Ajmal Olamathil, Jabir Kollam, Mubashir Chengani, Sawad Kolappuram, and Abdullah Muhsin

During the sector council ISNAD 45, SYS State Secretary Abdul Rasheed Narikkode delivered the keynote address. Division General Secretary Rafi Meleparamp moderated the council proceedings. The program was graced by the presence of Usthad Abdul Malik Ahsani and Usthad Abdul Raouf Jouhari.

Environmental day celebration

This year’s Environment Day celebrations under SABIC have commenced. Shaikhuna Abu Hanifal Faizi, General Secretary of Bukhari Institutions, marked the occasion by planting a sapling. Various areas of the institution have been made nature-friendly.